Overriding Scripts
By understanding where Spice looks for modules, you can if you wish override core modules to provide your own custom functionality.
By default Spice will search Support/Library in these paths in order:
~/Library/Application Support/Espresso/
(if the action is defined in a sugar)Spice.sugar
If you specify new search paths via the filePaths parameter of require()
, Spice will instead check all of the paths you specify (in order) in the above locations (in order).
So, for instance, require('module', ['Scripts', 'Library'])
causes Spice to check in these places:
~/Library/Application Support/Espresso/Support/Scripts/module.js
~/Library/Application Support/Espresso/Support/Library/module.js
As soon as Spice finds a file that matches the name/paths, it will load it, allowing you to override core functionality by including identically named files further up the path tree.